Sunday, November 30, 2008


Vending Machine Fail!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

'Zen Koans' (No more Harp now. That'll learn them!)

'True Friends'

A long time ago in China there were two friends, one who played the harp skillfully and one who listened skillfully.

When the one played or sang about a mountain, the other would say: "I can see the mountain before us."

When the other played about water, the listener would exclaim: "Here is the running stream!"

But the listener fell sick and died. The first friend cut the strings of his harp and never played again. Since that time the cutting of harp strings has always been a sign of intimate friendship.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Suicide Girls: Number wan sexy self-harm website!

P.S This vid involves the band 'Puscifer', who I love. The singer is Maynard James Keenan, also of the bands 'Tool' and 'A Perfect Circle'.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

New John Frusciante Album

'The Empyrean'

1.Before The Beginning
2.Song To The Siren
7.Enough Of Me
9.One More Of Me
10.After The Ending

" I married my sweetheart. You should be able to marry yours too "

Monday, November 10, 2008

'Harbour' (A new poem created by me)

A sound like ice-cubes in a drink.

Why would anyone compliment the Fisherman
unless there was a fly in their soup?

I turn my nose up at it and resume
and better things come into view,
like the one from the lip
of the full moon and the wandering ships,
that I sit and watch until I get tired and turn in.

Dedicated to everyone who illegally downloads. (Jane's Addiction knew the deal)

'Been Caught Stealing' (Jane's Addiction)

I've been caught stealing, once when I was 5.
I enjoy stealing, it's just as simple as that.
Well, it's just a simple fact
when I want something and I don't want to pay for it,
I walk right through the door, walk right through the door.

Hey all right! If I get by, it's mine. Mine all mine!

My girl, she's one too.
She'll go and get her a shirt, stick it under her skirt.
She grabbed a razor for me
and she did it just like that
when she wants something and she don't want to pay for it,
she walk right through the door
walk right through the door.

Hey all right! If I get by, it's mine.Mine all mine!

We sat around the pile,
we sat and laughed,
we sat and laughed and waved it into the air
ad we did it just like that
wen we want something and we don't want to pay for it,
we walk right through the door, walk right through the door.

Hey, all right! If I get by, it's mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


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