Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Cigarettes (199?-June 27 2010)

" Cigarette-Filter Nipples "
(An old poem of mine)

Going to the orange like clockwork.
It's a natural laxative
to filter out the cancer that is inside of you.

I only want one slice
to strengthen the relief!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Very funny me thinks.

"Borders Are…" by Serj Tankian

Borders Surround
Borders Bound
Borders Marginalize
Borders Frame
Borders Divide
Borders Kill

Borders are the ultimate man-made walls separating and differentiating us beyond our cultures, beyond our beliefs, beyond economic hierarchies.

Borders are subjective, unnatural lines drawn by humans delineating land, water, and air for partisan collective utilization.

If borders were natural, other animals, in fact, all beings would be bound by them. Obviously, they aren't.

Indigenous cultures never recognized borders, cognizant of the fact that the land owns us and not the other way around.

Borders lead to war, occupation, and bigotry, even genocide. Worst of all, borders are a deceptive, yet constant reinforcement of the notion that we are alone, separate from each other and all things around us.

The multi-layered borders of our lives stratify separation in its undignified definition.

There are people dying in Kashmir due to border disputes. Shots are fired daily between North and South Korea over border disputes. The Berlin Wall separated the German people for almost half a century, at the border. Israel and Palestine continue to endure conflict over their borders, and the predecessors of modern-day Turkey (Ottoman Empire) felt they had to carry out genocide to protect their borders.

Borders represent the foundation of civilization, expansionism, abusive capitalism, and presumptive occupation.

Floods don't recognize borders.
Earthquakes don't recognize borders.
Diseases, famine, and drought don't recognize borders.

Why should we?

We deserve to live without the borders of mind, body, and spirit.
Given the unprecedented changes we are witnessing in the world.

We really have no choice.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Some Lyrics From A Song 'The Butcher Boy' In The Book I'm Reading Of The Same Name. I Like Both

" I wish my baby it was born
And smiling on its daddy's knee
And me poor girl to be dead and gone
With the long green grass growing over me.

He went upstairs and the door he broke
He found her hanging from a rope
He took his knife and he cut her down
And in her pocket these words he found

Oh make my grave large wide and deep
Put a marble stone at my head and feet
And in the middle a turtle dove
That the world may know I died for love.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Una Sigaretta

Many meanings.

1. Would El Capitano like the homeland Pop Tune?
2. My World Cup 2010 Italian team theme song. (Can they win 2 World Cups in a row since his absence?)
3. My ambition to quit smoking completly from Sat the 26th of June 2010 with pure will-power, just like he did.

(Fred Buscaglione/Leo Chiosso)

(Translations from internet, hopefully they're accurate)

before i finish this cigarette
you will say yes, or maybe no,
you can think about it,
don't be too fast
you have still a lot of time
the time of a cigarette

i watch lazy, the fragrant spirals
you see,
i smoke in small puffs
i would like to stop
this bit of fire
i would like to stop the time,
but times goes on.

you see it burns down, this cigarette
you'll say yes, or maybe no
minutes go on,
maybe too fast
i look in your eyes
smoking this cigarette

look how is burning this cigarette
you could say yes, but you said no!
a sweet dream is dying
born too early
i go away my love
and i put out
this cigarette