Thursday, February 23, 2012

Possible Layne Reclusive Years Photo (Photo and info taken from

Here is the proof from Jrock73:

The guy with the red flannel is Jimmy Shoaf (drum tech for many Seattle bands in he early 90′s). I’m also inclined to think this is late 90′s because yes, of course Layne looks much more frail and pale. But also, Jimmy Shoaf looks older than he did in the early 90′s.

Here’s another clue: the shirt Layne is wearing is “Metal Gear Solid” (video game) although the shirt is printed upside down:

Many published stories talk about Layne’s love for video playing video games, especially during his reclusive years. I think this game was released with a special t shirt promo around Sept 1998. So this pic couldn’t be any earlier than 1998.

Not sure who the other guy (in Clockwork Orange costume) is..

Whatever the conclusion is in regards to the actual year/ date of this photo. One thing is certain, that is absolutely, positively Layne Staley.

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